Based on the most recent data published in a report by The Indian Express, around 20 million AI-related jobs will be added by 2025. AI is used in various industrial sectors such as agriculture, automobiles, education, and transportation. India will play a significant role in the AI revolution.
Seeking strategies to develop your career using the most prominent new-age technology utilised by global industries? In India, the potential for AI is enormous, thus you are in the correct spot. The topic of Artificial Intelligence is currently one of the most dynamic and rapidly expanding in computer science. As a subfield of computer science, artificial intelligence focuses on the development of machines with human-like behaviour. Using data from within an organisation to examine the decision-making process is how smart machines, or intelligent machines, are formed. According to International Data Corporation, the Artificial Intelligence industry in India is expected to increase by 20.2% yearly until it reaches 7.8 billion dollars in 2025, up from 3.1 billion dollars in 2020.